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14 gallons

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Q: If you have 100 gallon of 32 percent nitrogen fertilizer and want to convert it to 28 percent nitrogen fertilize how much water do you add?
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How much of 25 percent nitrogen fertilizer is needed for a 970 square foot bed?

A forty pound (40) bag is the amount of 25 percent nitrogen fertilizer needed for a 970 square foot bed.Specifically, calculate the amount of 25 percent nitrogen needed for a 1,000 square foot bed. Convert the 25 percent by multiplying it by 100 to get 4. Then divide 4 by 1,000 square feet to get 38.8 pounds.

How many gallons are in 1 ton of 32 percent nitrogen fertilizer?


How much phosphorus would there be in a 3-6-9 fertilizer?

In a 3-6-9 fertilizer, the numbers represent the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. So, in this case, there would be 6% phosphorus in the fertilizer.

What makes up 60 percent of 10-20-10 fertilizer?

nitrogen phosphorus potassium

What is 11-11-11 fertilizer?

11-11-11 fertilizer refers to a balanced fertilizer with equal parts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), commonly used for general purpose applications in gardening and agriculture. The numbers represent the percentages of each nutrient in the fertilizer by weight.

What is Percent nitrogen?

Percent nitrogen is a measurement used to indicate the nitrogen content in a substance, such as fertilizer or soil. It represents the proportion of nitrogen by weight in the total weight of the substance. This measurement is important in agriculture and chemistry for understanding nutrient levels and chemical compositions.

What percentage of the fertilizer is nitrogen in the houseplant fertilizer?

Ten, 15 and 20 percent appear as percentages of nitrogen in houseplant fertilizers. Clemson University extension publications suggest such balanced percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizers as 10-10-10 and 20-20-20 for houseplants grown for their foliage. They tend toward 15-30-15 NPK percentages for houseplants grown for their flowers.

What is the percent of nitrogen in sodium nitrate?

The percent of nitrogen in sodium nitrate is 16,47 %.

How can you compute fertilizer contents?

the numbers on the fertilizer are the percent content of the following (in order): N2, P2O5, K2O

What is the percent of nitrogen in CN2H4O?

The molar mass of CN2H4O is 42 g/mol. The molar mass of nitrogen is 14 g/mol. To find the percent of nitrogen in CN2H4O, divide the molar mass of nitrogen by the molar mass of CN2H4O and multiply by 100. The percent of nitrogen in CN2H4O is approximately 33.3%.

What gas's percent of volume is 78.09?

The gas with a percent volume of 78.09 is nitrogen (N2).

Convert percent to degrees?

convert percent of slope to degree