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Q: If you have 2 positive numbers. One number is 5 times the other number. The difference between the two numbers is 1228 find the numbers.?
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Is the difference of two positive numbers positive?

The difference between two numbers is the result of a subtraction. This can be either positive or negative, depending on which number is greater.

How do you teach the difference between negative numbers?

Put all the numbers - zero, positive, negative - on a number line. Positive numbers to the left, negative numbers to the right. The difference between any two numbers is represented by the distance between them. Thus putting numbers on a number line is a great visualization tool.

What is the difference between a negative number and a positive number?

Negative numbers are below zero whereas positive are above zero.

Is the difference between two positive numbers negative?

The difference between ANY two numbers that are different, is positive. For example, the difference between -5 and -3 is 2. You can move two whole numbers either up from -5, or down from -3, on the number line.

Is the difference of two positive numbers positive or negative?

If you are asking how many numbers difference is there between two numbers, then it will be positive. If you are referring to subtraction, if the number you are subtracting from is the larger number, it will be positive. If it is smaller it will be negative. 3 - 2 = 1 (3, the number being subtracted from, is larger, so the answer is positive) 2 - 3 = -1 (2, the number being subtracted from, is smaller, so the answer is negative)

What is one positive number is five times another positive number. The difference between the two numbers is 116 find the numbers?

5x - x = 116so4x = 116sox = 29 and 5x = 145

Difference between natural number and integer?

natural numbers can not be negative. integers can be both positive and negative.

How do add negative and positive numbers?

-- write the difference between the numbers without regard for their signs -- give the difference the same sign as the original number with the greater size

How do you add a positive and a negative number?

-- Ignore the signs. -- Find the difference between the two numbers. -- Give it the sign of the larger original number.

Is the difference of two negative integers always positive?

If difference is taken to mean the first number minus the second then the answer can be positive or negative (or zero if the two numbers are the same). For example: the difference between -5 and -3 is -2 while the difference between -3 and -5 is +2.

How do you find difference a negative number and a positive number?

to find the difference between a negative number and a positive number, you do the same thing as you would do for a positive and positive number. You just subtract the smaller number (which would of course be the negative) from the larger number (the positive). example: difference between 7 and -4 7 - (-4) = 11

What is the relationship between neggative positive and positive negative?

Negative number and positive numbers are all numbers. Negative numbers are just positive numbers multiplied by -1.