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Q: If you have 6 pictures to put on one page with 3 rows of 2 pictures in each row How many different ways can you arrange the pictures?
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Assuming the question is that you have 5 pictures and want to know how many different ways you could put 3 on a wall from left to right: There are 5 choices for the first picture; for each of these there are 4 choices for the second; and for each of these choices there are 3 choices for the third, meaning a total of: 5 x 4 x 3 = 60 ways that 3 pictures can be arranged from 5.

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24 different ways.

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4 x 3 x 2 = 24 different ways

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You could use many different colours of lights, and arrange them in different shapes to make pictures, i.e. a picture of Father Christmas or a reindeer.

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Assuming the orientation of each picture doesn't matter, then they can be arranged in 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways. If the orientation of each picture does matter, then each picture can be placed in infinitely many ways, and there are infinitely way of arranging 4 of them.

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You can arrange and rearrange the word as many times as you like!There are 5040 different ways.

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