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There are lots of ways to do this, but here's one:

Fill the 5 gallon jug to the top. Pour the water from the 5 gallon jug to the 3 gallon jug until the 3 gallon jug is full. What's left in the 5 gallon jug is 5 - 3 = 2 gallons.

Dump what's in the 3 gallon jug. Put the 2 gallons from the larger jug into the smaller jug.

Now fill the 5 gallon jug. You'll have 5 + 2 = 7 gallons, as needed.

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Q: If you have a 3 gallon jug and a 5 gallon jug You need to measure out exactly 7 gallons of water How do you do it?
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How many gallons in 1 kg?

There are approximately 0.264 gallons in 1 kilogram.

How can you measure out exactly six gallons of water using only a 4 gallon container and a 9 gallon container?

# Fill the 4-gallon jug with water then put it in the 9-gallon jug. # Repeat this step. The 9-gallon jug now has 8 gallons. # Fill the 4-gallon jug a third time, but pour only enough into the 9-gallon jug to fill it completely with no overflow. # The 4-gallon jug now has three gallons. Put that water aside safely, then repeat 1-3 for a total of six gallons.

If you have a 3 gallon jug and a 5 gallon jug and you need to measure out exactly 7 gallon of water how can you do it?

Fill the 5 gallon jug completely then pour that into the 3 gallon jug. Empty out the 3 gallon jug and pour the remaining water in the 5 gallon jug into the 3 gallon jug. Then just fill up the 5 gal jug again you will have 2 gallons in the 3 gallon jug and 5 gallons in the 5 gallon jug.

How do you measure 3 gallons?

3 gallons of what? water weighs 10lbs a gallon so weigh it,

How many gallons are in 35lbs?

None, since there can be no conversion.A gallon is a measure of volume. A pound is a measure of mass. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.

You have a 3 gallon pail and a 7 gallon pail how could you use these pails to put exactly 8 gallons of water in an aquarium?

Easy. Fill the 7gal pail to the full mark (7 Gallons) with water. Then pour, from the 7 gallon pail, water into each of the 3 gallon pail up to the full mark. The remaining water left in the 7 gallon is 1 gallon. Pour this gallon into the aquarium. Fill the 7 gallon pail with water, again to the full mark, and then add to the aquarium. 1 Gallon + 7 Gallons = 8 Gallons.

I have a bucket of water that holds 4 gallons of water and another that holds 7 gallons of water. The buckets have no markings. How can I go to the well and bring back exactly 5 gallons of water?

# Start with empty buckets, and carry them to the well. # (Note that the larger is the 7-gallon bucket, and the smaller is the 4-gallon bucket.) # Fill the 4-gallon bucket with water to the top. # Empty all the water from the 4-gallon bucket into the 7-gallon bucket. # (Note that there is room in the 7-gallon bucket for exactly 3 more gallons.) # Fill the 4-gallon bucket again. # Pour from the 4-gallon bucket into the 7-gallon bucket all the water that will fit, spilling none. # (Note that since there was room for only 3 more gallons in the 7-gallon bucket, you now have 1 gallon left in the 4-gallon bucket.) # Dump out all the water from the 7-gallon bucket. (Pour it back into the well or onto some flowers so it's not wasted.) # Pour the 1 gallon of water that remains in the 4-gallon bucket into the empty 7-gallon bucket. # Refill the 4-gallon bucket completely. # Pour all the 4 gallons from the 4-gallon bucket into the 7-gallon bucket. # (Note that since the 7-gallon bucket had 1 gallon already and you added 4 gallons, you now have 5 gallons of water in the 7-gallon bucket!) # Bring back your 7-gallon bucket that's holding exactly 5 gallons of water. (Bring your 4-gallon bucket back too, in case you want to play again!)

How many pounds are 37 gallons of water?

A pound is a measure of mass. A gallon is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and it is not sensible to even consider converting from one to the other. If you are not convinced, consider a gallon of water. How many pounds? Next consider a gallon of treacle. How many pounds?

How many kilograms in 5 gallon of liquid?

Depends on the liquid. Gallons measure volume, kilograms measure weight. A gallon of water does not weigh the same as a gallon of gasoline. Different liquids have different densities.

Why is there less gallons per square foot of deseil than water?

The question makes no sense. Presumably it refers to diesel rather than deseil! A square foot is a measure of area in 2-dimensional space whereas both diesel and water are measured in 3-dimesional space. A typical measure was a gallon - now antiquated. However, a gallon of water is exactly the same as a gallon of diesel or a gallon of any other fluid, for that matter!

How many pounds would 14 gallons be?

Depends on the density of the fluid (I assume). Gallon is a measure of volume and pounds is a measure of mass. A gallon of water will weigh far less than a gallon of say mercury.

How much Kg is 1 gallon?

A gallon is a measure of volume. A kilogram is a measure of mass. To convert from one to the other you will need to know what material is being converted and what temperature it is at. There is no universal conversion from gallons to kilograms.We need the density of the substance to convert.Gallons are a measure of volume; kilogram is a measure of mass.Assuming water:1 kg = 1 liter = 0.264172052 US gallons = 0.219969157 imperial gallons