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The square-root and the square cancle each other out so you will only be left with the number

Example: √2² Would become 2

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Q: If you have a number being multiplied by a square- root and it is squared do you square both numbers?
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How many times the numbers is to be used to be multiplied is it square number.?

Twice. a*a is a squared.

When a natural number is multiplied by itself the result is a square number How many square numbers are there between 100 and 500?

They are from 11 squared to 22 squared making a total of 12 square numbers between 100 and 500

Is 999 a squared number?

no because no one whole number multiplied by itself makes 999, the square root of 999 is 31.60696.....not a whole number nearest square numbers are 961 (31 squared) and 1024 (32 squared)

What are the squared numbers?

1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144! A square number is the answer to a number multiplied by itself. eg. 2x2=4 therefore 4 is the square number the square root, therefore, has to be two!

Why is the product of 8 multiplied by 8 a squared number?

Anything multiplied by itself produces a square number. It's the definition.

What do you know about square numbers?

A square number is multiplied by two of the same numbers.

What are square number?

Square numbers are the products of numbers that have been multiplied by themselves like 2 x 2 = 4, or 9 X 9 = 81. The squares here are 4 and 81.Numbers that can be made by multiplying another number my itself, like 12 x 12 = 144. So 144 is a square number.By convention and probably also by definition, square numbers and square roots (the numbers multiplied by themselves) are always whole numbers, integers with no factional or decimal parts.A square number is the result of any non-zero integer multiplied by itself.9 is a square number because 3 x 3 = 9.5 is not a square number because there isn't an integer that can be multiplied by itself to make 5.

Is 56 a squared number?

No. Square numbers are numbers formed when a number is multiplied by itself. So 2 squared is 2 times 2, which is 4. 3 squared is 3 times 3 which is 9. 4*4=16 5*5=25 6*6=36 7*7=49 8*8=64

What is a squared number?

a square numbers are numbers that can be timeds by them self's. eg 2*2,4=2 squared

What is a square numbers?

A square number is the product of an integer multiplied by itself.

Which number when multiplied by itself squared equals 2116?

The square root of 2116 is 46.

What is the squared root?

The square root of 79 is 8.88819