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Q: If you have been cleaning diesel dispensers for 35 minutes. If you have completed 6 dispensers. How many minutes has it taken you to clean 1 dispenser?
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To remove build-up in the liquid fabric softener dispenser, you can try mixing equal parts of hot water and white vinegar, and pour this solution into the dispenser. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then scrub the dispenser with a small brush or toothbrush. Rinse thoroughly with water. Repeat if necessary.

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It opens in the wash cycle, after the tub has filled, and agitation has begun, the water filling the tub is routed thrrough the dispenser to wash out the detergent.Answer:Many (most?) dishwashers have two wash cycles. The soap dumps immediately into the first and the second it released into the second wash cycle.

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60 Minutes - 1968 Pelican Bay Cleaning Up China Syndrome 25-52 was released on: USA: 12 September 1993

Optimum decontamination results are achieved when deocontamination is completed within how long?

1 to 2 minutes after contamination

How do you Clean washing machine soap dispenser of mold?

Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar and pour the solution into the soap dispenser. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then use a small brush to scrub away the mold. Rinse thoroughly with water to remove any remaining vinegar smell. Repeat if necessary.

How long does it take do clean a self cleaning oven?

Most self-cleaning ovens take from 7 to 10 minutes to do the cleaning process. Self-cleaning ovens will not need chemicals to clean them if they are cleaned on a regular basis.

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Sweeping the Kitchen floor and cleaning the cooktop

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