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no but most babies are conceived in the winter. Cold air makes people snuggle. Joymaker RN

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Q: If you have been pregnant 4 times Each time you were due in the same month Is it possible that you are only fertile in one month out of the year?
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Can you get preganent on the night before your period?

It depends on your ovulation and your ovulation cycle. Anything is possible, however your most fertile times of the month are usually day 12-17 of your cycle.

Is it possible to get pregnant having two periods in one month for the first time?

Yes! You can! I had my three kids! Each of them every time after I have two periods with in one month. So I find out that I am most fertile the next month after that so I usually try having kids after my 2nd period! Worked for me 3 times already. I don't know how but it works for me! Haven't met anyone that has kids after having two periods in one month!

Do you get periods 2 times in a month if you are pregnant?

You don't have periods at all..

Is it possible for a cat to get pregnant only once in her life?

Normally cats are pregnant more than 2 times but it is possible.

I had my period on the 4 of April n ended on the 9th and today I had sex. Is it possible I'm pregnant?

Yes, still possible. Some women get pregnant from having had sex whilst on their period. (This happens more frequently than you'd think). That is why contraception is recommended at all times of the month.

You had unprotected intercourse during your fertile period how likely is it that you could be pregnant?

VERY. Its happened to me too many times.

Can you get pregnant 2 to three days after your ovulating days?

Although a woman is most fertile about 14 days after her period starts, she can get pregnant during other times of her cycle.

Does woman get pregnant only her fertility days?

A lady may be fertile at any time during her menstrual cycle. That the lady is more fertile at some times during that cycle is true.

Can you get pregnant if you had unprotected sex while in your fertile days but he did not eyaculate and you had sex more than two times that night?

No, I'm a doctor about pregnancy and there's 0.01% that you'll get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you have intercouse two times a day when you are ovulating?

yes as ovulation is the time when the egg can be fertilized to get pregnant. the mores times you have sex during that period the higher chance you have of getting pregnant

You had your period last month on the 13th the week of the 13th on the following month you noticed that you were only seeing blood when you wiped does that mean that you are pregnant?

sometimes it means that you an infection and need to see a doctor but other times you could be pregnant. sometimes it means that you an infection and need to see a doctor but other times you could be pregnant.

What are ways to get pregnant quickly?

To get pregnant faster, it is important to have sex at the right times of the month.They sell fertility monitors that can predict when the right time of the month is.