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2 nickels and a dime....

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Q: If you have three US coins totaling 20 cents one is not a nickel what are the coins?
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Jimmy has 4 coins worth 8 cents what coins does Jimmy have?

He has a US nickel and three US pennies.

How many coins equal 40?

Three coins add up to 40 cents: a quarter, a dime, and a nickel.

How do you make 91 cents with six coins?

The answer is three quarter's, one nickel's dime and a penny!

There are five coins with a total value of 27 cents what is the probability that three of the coins are pennies?

The probability is 0.

Can you make 16 cents out of three coins?

A dime, a nickel, and a penny (10 cents plus 5 cents plus 1 cent = 16 cents)

Make 30 cents without using a nickel?

Three dimes 30 one-cent coins A quarter and 5 one-cent coins

What coins make 55 cents if you cannot use a nickel?

The puzzle is normally "What two coins make 55 cents if one is not a nickel?" The answer of course is a half dollar and a nickel, because the half dollar is the one that's not a nickel - nothing is said about BOTH not being nickels! Otherwise the answer is straightforward: three dimes and one quarter.

What twenty coins make ninety three cents?

1 quarter 5 dimes 1 nickel 13 pennies

Is the US nickel coin made of nickel?

It's actually made of 75% copper, but when it was introduced in 1866 it was one of the first US coins to have a significant amount of nickel in it. The other was a 3¢ piece. Because there were also silver 3¢ and 5¢ coins people started calling them "three cents silver", "three cents nickel", and so on. By the 1870s all except the nickel 5-cent piece had been discontinued but the old terms lived on for a while; sometimes the coins were called "five-cent nickels" which eventually was shortened to just plain "nickel".

How do you show 3 dollars and 6 cents?

$3.06 or are you talking about showing it in coins? if so: three loonies (im canadian) a nickel and a penny.

68 cents using 7 coins?

Assuming that you are referring to current US coins, you could use a half dollar, three nickels and three pennies. In more modern terms, two quarters, a dime, a nickel, and three pennies.

If you have 2 coins in your pocket that equals thirty 1 cents one is not a penny what are the three coins?

* a nickel , penny, quarter * quarter penny nickel REASON: you said 1 wasn't a penny never said 2 or 3 wasnt ha ha ha