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Yes, that's true. The surface area is (the square of the diameter) multiplied by (pi).

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Q: If you know the diameter of a sphere you can find its surface area?
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Find the surface area of a sphere with a diameter of 78 use 3.14 for pi?

The surface area of a sphere with diameter 78 and using 3.14 for Pi is about 19,103.76 units2

Find the surface of a sphere whose diameter is d?

Surface area of a sphere in square units = 4*pi*radius^2

How do you find the diameter of a sphere when you have the surface area?

Using the formula for the surface area of a sphere, which is SA = 4 (pi) r2, you can find the radius, and the diameter of the sphere is twice the radius. Example: If the surface of a sphere is 380 square cm 4 (pi) r2 = SA 4 (3.1416) r2 = 380 12.5664 r2 = 380 r2 = approx. 30.24 r = 5.5 and diameter D = 11 cm

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Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2

How do you find the surface area of a sphere to the nearest square meter?

-- You have to ask somebody for the radius of the sphere, in meters. If they tell you the diameter instead, then the radius is 1/2 of the diameter, in meters. -- Multiply (4) times (pi) times (the radius)2 . That's the surface area of the sphere, in square meters. -- Round the answer to the nearest square meter.

What can you use to find the sphere surface area?

Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius squared

How do you find the diameter and volume of a sphere if you have the surface area?

4*pi*radius2 = area radius = square root of (area/4*pi) diameter = 2*radius volume = 4/3*pi*radius3

Find the surface area of sphere in terms of radius?

The surface area of a sphere is equal to 4 x Pi x radius2

How do you find a sphere surface area where the radius equals 26cm?

The surface area of every sphere is (4 pi) times (the radius squared).Knowing that, you can find the surface area of not only the one you'reasking about right now, but of every sphere that ever was, is, or will be !

Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 10.5cm?

The surface area is 1,385.4 cm2

What is the formula to find surface area of a sphere?

Surface area = 4*Pi*radius2

Find the surface area of a sphere with a radius of four?

Surface area of a sphere = 4*pi*radius2 Surface area = 4*pi*42 => 201.0619298 Surface area of the sphere = 201 square units correct to three significant figures.