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i x i = -1

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Q: If you multiply an imaginary number i by itself what is your result?
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How do you find the area of a cricle?

Three choices, depending on what information you have about the circle: -- Multiply the radius by itself, then multiply the result by (3.1416). -- Multiply the diameter by itself, then multiply the result by (0.7854). -- Multiply the circumference by itself, then multiply the result by (.07958).

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-- Measure the length of any one edge. -- Multiply that number by itself. -- Multiply the result by the number again. -- The result is now the volume of the cube.

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Yes. A number times itself results in a perfect square. Perfect squares are always positive, since 4 x 4 and -4 x -4 will give the same result, 16. Since no number exists that can multiply by itself and create a negative number, the square roots of negative numbers are called imaginary.

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-- Measure the length of one edge of the cube (one side of one square face). -- Multiply the number by itself. -- Multiply the result by the original number again. -- The new result is the volume of the cube.

How do you find a volume in cube?

-- Measure the length of one edge of the cube (one side of one square face). -- Multiply the number by itself. -- Multiply the result by the original number again. -- The new result is the volume of the cube.

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You multiply a number by itself like 2*2, and then multiply the result by the original number, 2*4, 2*8, 2*8, 2*16.

Does dividing by zero result in an imaginary number?

No. Dividing by zero is undefined. It does not result in anything.

How do you convert radius into perimeter?

Multiply the radius by itself, then multiply the result by Pi.

How do you tell the area of a circle by the diameter?

-- Take 1/2 of the length of the diameter. -- Square that number. (Multiply it by itself.) -- Multiply the result by 'pi' . That's roughly 3.1416 . -- The result now is the area of the circle.

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You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.You can multiply the first two numbers, then multiply the result with the third number. Or multiply in any other order.

Can a negative number be a square?

the square is positive always.Except in the case of an Imaginary number. An imaginary number is a number that gives a negative result when squared,where i= √-1