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Q: If you put 2 cubes together so that one face connects to another what new 3d shape does it make?
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What shape are sodium chloride salt crystal?

Sodium chloride salt crystals are typically cubic in shape, with a repeating pattern of sodium and chlorine ions arranged in a lattice structure. The cubic shape arises from the way the ions pack together to minimize energy and achieve a stable structure.

What 3D shape are dice?

They are cubes

How many faces vertices and edges does a stack of cubes have?

It depends on how many cubes in the stack and what shape they form.

What is alfalfa cubes and how is it prepared?

Alfalfa cubes are made by compressing alfalfa into a cubical shape and dehydrating it to preserve it.

What are ice cubes?

Frozen water in cube shape.

What shape can you make with 36 cubes?

a bigger cube

What shape is cubes?

A cube has 6 square-shaped faces

Do all cubes have equal sides?

yes! It is an equilateral shape.

When you build a brick house why are the bricks rectangular prism and not cubes?

Because The Shape Is Wider :] And Because Cubes Are Light If They Were Bricks

A shape is made up of identical 1 cm3 cubes. Work out the volume of the 3D shape stating the units with your answer.?

To find the volume of the 3D shape made up of identical 1 cm^3 cubes, you would need to count the total number of cubes and multiply it by the volume of one cube. For example, if there are 100 cubes, the volume would be 100 cm^3.

How do you use cubes in math regrouping?

No. you would use cubes only if you were trying to find the perimeter, area, or volume of a dimensional shape.