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An official court summons will always have a heading such as : "Circuit Court of the state of ______ County of_______ (or something similar). It will also have: The date, the case (docket) number, the court number and Plaintiff: _________ vs. Defendant: _______ Lots of "legalese" in between and at the end, the offical seal and signature of the clerk of the court.

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Q: If you receive a summons without a case number or a court seal is it official or a 'scare tactic'?
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How to respond to a summons with no number?

A summons from WHO, for WHAT? Call whoever or whatever agency the summons is supposed to have come from and check on it. Do you REALLY want to take a chance on not appearing?

If you received a summons in the mail for a credit card debt that's over 6 years old but it does not give you the address of the court to answer is this a valid summons from a debt collector?

A lawsuit summons be an official document that has the name of the court, the docket or case number, the name of the plaintiff and the defendant, the date, time, and place the defendant should appear and so forth. At the bottom of the "summons" will be the name and contact information of the plaintiff's attorney an official state court seal and the signature of the clerk or deputy clerk of the court. Debt collectors cannot file a lawsuit and obviously cannot issue a summons for said suit. A lawsuit can only be filed by an attorney licensed to practice in the debtor's state. A summons or subpoena of any sort can only be issued by the court. Any agency or agent attempting to falsify such a document is guilty of a criminal offense and can be subject to severe penalties in a court of law.

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What does a summons to common pleas court look like?

Believe me! You'll know it when you see one. However, they all appear slightly different, not only from state-to-state but from court system to court system, so there is no way to give you a specific description. Civil summonses are basically the same whether they are issued by a state or federal court. At the very top of the summons will be the name of the issuing court. Such as, District Court Of The United States_____Judicial District or Supreme Court of the State of______County of_____ or Circuit Court for the County of______State of_____ and so on. It will contain the docket and case number, the names of the plaintiff(s) and defendants(s), the date for appearance, the purpose of the summons, the complaint, etc. At the bottom of the summons it will have the signature of the court clerk and sometimes deputy clerk and the official embossed seal of the court. Summonses for jury duty or those issued by an agency such as the IRS are somewhat different, but they all are on official letterheads with all the pertinent information and they all will have official embossed seals of the court and/or government agency. P

What does it mean when the police say ASN?

when the police say ASN, it means Arrest,Summons,Number.

Can offensive football lineman wear number 90?

no. in order to play offensive line, the player must have an ineligible number (50-79) all numbers except for those in the previously stated range are eligible as receivers and cannot play offensive line without declaring themselves ineligible to receive to the official prior to each play.

How much can you receieve without incurring gift tax?

You do not incur ANY gift tax on gifts you receive, so you could receive an infinite number of gifts and owe absolutely no tax.

How will you know your TIN number?

The TIN is your Tax Identification Number, which is issued to you by the Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You should receive an official form from the IRS notifying you of your TIN; if you lose it, you can call the IRS and request a copy of the number.

How do you answer a summons for a credit card debt?

First, make sure that the document you received is actually a summons to appear. A summons must contain a docket number and a court date. Many collection agencies or collection attorneys use a summons as a scare tactic, in order to get you to pay your defaulted amount. However, if it's an actual summons to appear, the last thing you want to do is not show up. If you don't appear, the plaintiff will get a default judgment from the court. With a judgment in their favor, they may garnish your wages or freeze your assets in order to collect on the defaulted amount.

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minecraft has no official phone number.

How can you receive a text to your email without a real phone number. i dont want to use my real number on a flyer im putting out for a personal servay.?

You simply have to get Gmail to text emails. put privacy on your number.

What is Trisha's official fan phone number?

Trisha does not have an official phone number, you can however connect with her by liking her official page on Facebook.