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Q: If you roll a 6 sided dice what is the probability that you will get a 6?
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What is the probability that you roll a square number when you roll an ordinary fair 6 sided dice?

It is 1/3.

What is the probability that if you roll the dice you'll get the number 100?

That depends on what kind of dice you are rolling and how many of them you roll. If you roll two 6-sided dice once, the probability of getting the number 100 is exactly zero. You cannot get a 100 on one roll of two 6-sided dice. Other dice and different numbers of them may yield different probabilities.

What is the probability of rolling a 8 on a dice?

rolling 8 on a 6 sided dice? in a single roll? approximately 0. on a 12 sided dice? one in 12. two six sided dice? 5/36

If you roll a fair six-sided die and a fair four-sided die what is the probability that the dice add to 6 or higher?

The answer depends on what numbers are on the faces of the dice.

What is the probability of not rolling a 8 on dice?

0n a 6 sided dice. exactly 1. on two 6 sided dice, about 31/36

When you roll a dice what is the probability it will land on 1?

You cannot roll "a dice" because it is one die, many dice. If you roll an ordinary, 6 faced die, the probability that it will land on 1 is 1/6.

What is the mathematical probability for each number on a dice if you roll the dice fifty times?

If the dice is 6 sided, the chances of rolling each number is about 17% (100/6) If the dice is 4 sided, the chances of rolling each number is 25% (100/4) Similarly, 8 sided = 12.5% 10 sided = 10% 12 sided ≈ 8% 20 sided = 5%

What is the probability of a sumof 7 if you roll two dice?

The probability is 1/6.

What is the probability of rolling a 5 on a 6 sided dice?

There is always a 1 in 6 chance of rolling ANY number on a six-sided dice, as there are 6 numbers.

Two dice rolled what is the probability of getting 16?

Assuming a 6 sided die, a roll of 2 gives a maximum value of 12. So the probability of getting a 16 is zero.

How do you do probability with dice?

Roll the dice and if you're doing to put it with fractions the denominator is 6

What is the probability of rolling a 2 on a six sided dice?

1 in 6