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Q: If you roll a regular 6-sided cube 1200 times about how many times will you get 2?
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If you roll a regular 6-sided cube 1200 times about how many times will you get 4?

1200x(1/6)=200* *It is very likely it will be very close to this result, but it is very unlikely for it to be exactly 200.

How do you find the density of a regular shaped liquid like a cube or a box?

Times the height by lenth by with

If each edge of a cube is increased by 100 percent what is the percent of increase of the surface area of the cube?

1200 percent

If you hade 1200 cubes how big of a cube would that make?


What is the meaning of cube?

A regular solid body, with six equal square sides., The product obtained by taking a number or quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64, the cube of 4., To raise to the third power; to obtain the cube of.

Is a cube regular?


How many flat surfaces are on a cube?

if its a regular cube -> then 6 * * * * * By definition, a cube must be regular. If it is not regular, then it is a cuboid. A cuboid also has six faces, so the qualification added to the earlier answer is quite unnecessary.

What does the cube do?

The cube, or a regular hexahedron, is a geometric shape and has no power to do anything.

How is a cube like a rectangular prism?

A cube is a regular rectangular prism. Regular requires all its edges to be of the same length.

What polygon is each face of a cube?

A cube is a regular polyhedron, and each of the six faces of a cube is a square.

What are the different cube shapes names?

There is only one cube shape and it is called a cube or a regular hexahedron.

What solid is a cube?

A regular hexahedron.