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To roll a 7: 1/6, 2/5, 3/4, 4/3, 5/2, 6/1 To roll a 10: 4/6, 5/5, 6/4 total of 9 chances out of 36 or 1 in 4

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Q: If you roll two dice what is the probability of the event that you roll a total of seven or ten on the two dice?
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You roll two dice What is the probability of the event that you roll a total of seven or twelve on the two dice?

The probability is 7/36.

If you roll two dice what is the probability of the event that you roll a total of five on the two dice?

uummm!!!! The probability would maybe close to 5 or 4. * * * * * The answer is clearly incorrect because the probability of an event cannot be greater than 1. The actual probability, assuming the dice are fair, is 4/36 = 1/9 = 11.11...%

What is the probability of rolling a seven on a dice?

0% probability

What is the probability that the a dice 2 is drawn if the two dice total is 5?

The probability, when the 2-dice total is 5, that one of the two dice shows a two is 1/2. The probability that that die is selected is 1/4.The probability, when the 2-dice total is 5, that one of the two dice shows a two is 1/2. The probability that that die is selected is 1/4.The probability, when the 2-dice total is 5, that one of the two dice shows a two is 1/2. The probability that that die is selected is 1/4.The probability, when the 2-dice total is 5, that one of the two dice shows a two is 1/2. The probability that that die is selected is 1/4.

When two dice are rolled what is the probability of getting a total of 27?

If they are normal dice, the probability is 0.

You perform the experiment Toss two dice What is the probability of the event no 3 appears on either face?

The probability of the event is 25/36.

What is the probability of rolling two dice that total 20?

With standard dice, zero.

If you roll two dice what is the probability of the event that you roll a total of eleven on the two dice?

Of the 36 possible combinations rolling two dice there are 2 combinations that add up to 11 so the odds are 18:1

What is the probability of rolling a seven with three dice?


What is the probability of getting 4 of a kind if 5 identical dice are tossed simulataneously?

If they are fair dice, the probability is 0.0032If they are fair dice, the probability is 0.0032If they are fair dice, the probability is 0.0032If they are fair dice, the probability is 0.0032

What is the probability of not rolling a seven?

That depends on how many dice you use. For example, if you use a single die, the probability is 100%.

If 5 distinct dice are rolled what is the probability of getting at least one 6?

You must notice that it is easier to find the probability that none of the dice are six. This is the complement of the answer. Pc= (55)/(65) = .4019 *the first die has 5 ways to not equal six, and so on for the remaining dice. [55] outcomes have no six. *the total number of outcomes gives each die 6 ways to fall. [65] outcomes overall. *Probability is the favorable outcome divided by the total number of outcomes. *Probability of an event is 1 minus the complement of the event. P = 1 - .4019 P = .5981 <<<<<<FINAL ANSWER