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algebra! one of my faves!! (more fun than ODEs!)
in four:
(139 +143 + 144 + X)/4 = (139 +143 + 144 + X) x 1/4 = 145
First take what is outside the parentheses, in this case the 1/4 and multiply BOTH SIDES by 4 so
(139 +143 + 144 + X) x 1/4 x 4 = 145 x 4
139 +143 + 144 + X = 580
then sum (group and add) all the numbers on each side of the equals and...
426 + X = 580
Now subtract 426 from both sides...
426 - 426 + X = 580 - 426
And you have isolated the unknown!
X = 154 so 139 +143 + 144 + 164 = 580

in five: is the same thing but you'd have two Xs that would be the same...
(139 +143 + 144 + 2X)/5 = (139 +143 + 144 + 2X) x 1/5 = 145
(139 +143 + 144 + 2X) x 1/5 x 5 = 145 x 5
skipping ahead...
426 + 2X = 725
2X = 725 - 426
2X = 299 (ooops there is a pesky fraction coming up!)
Divide both sides by 2 and
X = 149.5 or 149-1/2
149-1/2 + 1/2 = 150
149-1/2 - 1/2 = 149
and as before
139 +143 + 144 + 149 + 150 = 725
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