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Q: If you stand in front of two adjacent large mirrors(at 90 angle) how many images will you see?
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What does an m in front of an angle mean?

Its to say its the MEASURE of the angle, instead of the angle itself

How do you interpret first and third angle projection?

The front elevation is in the centre in both projections. In 1st angle projection the end elevation is on the opposite side of the front elevation and the plan view is below the front elevation. In 3rd angle projection the plan view is above the front elevation and the end elevations are on the same side as viewed

What is the definition of the first angle angle projection?

In first-angle projection, the projectors originate as if radiated from a viewer's eyeballs and shoot through the 3D object to project a 2D image onto the plane behind it. The 3D object is projected into 2D "paper" space as if you were looking at a radiograph of the object: the top view is under the front view, the right view is at the left of the front view. First-angle projection is the ISO standard and is primarily used in Europe.

What is the length width and the height of a rectangular prism?

They are the distances from any one vertex to the three adjacent vertices. If you start with the bottom, left, front vertex then:Length may be to the vertex that is at the bottom, right, front;Width to the vertex at the bottom, left, back; andHeight to the vertex at the top, left, front.

What is a closed-angle glaucoma?

Closed-angle glaucoma is a condition in which fluid pressure builds up inside the eye because the fluid, or aqueous humor, that is produced in the anterior chamber at the front of the eye cannot leave the chamber through the usual opening.

Related questions

How are images formed in a mirror?

Images are formed in a mirror through reflection of light. When light rays from an object fall on a mirror, they bounce off it at an angle equal to the angle of incidence, creating a virtual image that appears behind the mirror. The image appears to be the same size and distance as the object in front of the mirror.

What does an m in front of an angle mean?

Its to say its the MEASURE of the angle, instead of the angle itself

Where can you see some images of a front-office layout?

the front office layout

What is the medical term meaning adjacent to the heart?

precardiac means anterior to the heart (anterior meaning more towards the front of the body)

Where do images come into focus?

For people who are farsighted, images come into focus behind the retina; for people who are nearsighted, images come into focus in front of the retina.

How do you interpret first and third angle projection?

The front elevation is in the centre in both projections. In 1st angle projection the end elevation is on the opposite side of the front elevation and the plan view is below the front elevation. In 3rd angle projection the plan view is above the front elevation and the end elevations are on the same side as viewed

Where can someone find pictures of oak front doors?

Pictures of "Oak Front Doors" can be found on any image hosting websites. Looking under the images tab on Google can provide images of different kinds of oak front doors.

Define camber angle?

Camber angle is the angle between the vertical axis of wheel and the vertical axis of the car/vehicle when viewed from the front or rear.

What is auto-graphic projection in tachnical drawing?

In first angle auto graphic projection the planed, view is drawn exactly below the front elevation. What is viewed from the left is drawn from the right side of the front, it is drawn in the 1st angle and 3rd angle.

Where is then A pillar on a Renault megane?

The A pillar is the area adjacent to the windscreen. It supports the screen and houses the hinges for the front doors.

Where do you find slide lay out option in PowerPoint?

In PowerPoint 2007, it is on the front page. It is adjacent to the new slide option.

What happened to chuck when his mother flashed images in front of him in the series chuck?

He had a fit.