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The answer is 36.




10(x+4) + (y-4) = 2(10x + y)

10x+40 + y-4 = 20x + 2y

-10x + 36 = y

When x = 3, y = 6




3 + 4 = 7 and 6 - 4 = 2 (i.e 72)

36 x 2 = 72

72 = 72

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Q: If you subtract 4from the digit at unit place of a 2 digit number and add 4 to the digit at tens place then the resulting number is doubledfind the number?
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What is God's purpose of creating the universe?

Answer 1The Earth was not created, it formed naturally via gravity in the accretion disk surrounding the supernova that resulted from the formation of the sun. There was no purpose for the creation of the Earth, as purpose implies a pre-existing intelligence. Answer 2From a New Age religious viewpoint: The earth was designed and created specifically for human habitation. In the beginning there were dinosaurs. God cared for and provided for them They were allowed to flourish and multiply for many years. At some point their population reached a sort of high level and when there was just enough them they were destroyed. It was at this time when the earth was ' ..without form and void ' of life. Their carcasses were scattered over the earth and used to fertilize the soil. Dinosaurs are the main reason for why we are able to grow things today. Next came all the vegetation, insects and every creeping thing, rodents, reptiles, the animals and eventually humans. Answer 3From one Islamic viewpoint: Earth was formed for a very good reason! It was not the BIG BANG, or the Dinosaurs, or any other scientific "interpretation" that made life possible! God was the one who created everything we see... He gave wisdom to us -people- so that we can live and recognize the wonders He created around us. God created us so that we may have the chance to know Him, and later abide in His heaven.23. He will not be questioned as to that which He doeth, but they will be questioned.56. I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me.57. I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask that they should feed Me.58. Lo! Allah! He it is that giveth livelihood, the Lord of unbreakable might.[quoted from, Meanings of the Golrious Quran, by Marmaduke Pickthall]Answer 4From a Latter-day Saint Christian [Mormon] viewpoint: First let us establish one useful thing re the "How" before we move on to the "Why". God did not create the earth, but organized it from materials which were already there. He brought them together under His command, for all material has to obey a higher law - God. Now as to "Why": He organized this earth so that He could bring about the immortality and eternal life of His (already existent) spirit children. We could not be proved nor could we be saved in heaven while while living with God. We had to prove ourselves as independents to be worthy of reward and glory. Also, as mere spirits only, we could see that God, Our Father, had an Immortal, Glorified Body of flesh and bone. And we wanted to be like our Father. Without such a body, we cannot experience a "Fullness of Joy": spirits only are extremely limited in the measure of Joy they can attain to.So God created a physical earth whereon we could receive bodies and learn to control and grow our bodies, and learn to choose the right when not in His presence - to prove ourselves, you might say.If we prove worthy over this [granted] lifetime ... if we repent and learn to grow and "overcome" - both physically and spiritually, we will prove ourselves worthy to return into His presence Forever - not just as spirits, but as complete Beings, progressed - worthy to receive Immortal glorified bodies - as Jesus: "Joint heirs with Christ in all that the Father hath" (as promised in the Book of Romans). As we call upon God to forgive us and put into effect, in our lives, the death, atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ, being literal spirit children of God, we can become like Him, as we also become clean before God.The Creation and placement of the earth forms a major part of this whole process for us to progress and become like our dear Father in Heaven.There is no revealed account of the spirit creation - though it has been revealed that we all undertook one - only an account of this temporal [physical] creation in which we are all taking part, each treading the path that we are choosing, day to day, to travel upon. These paths will either bring us closer to God or take us further away. Which ever one we choose, we will prove ourselves worthy to return to Him, or otherwise - a glory and Kingdom with God, or a lesser Mansion (Kingdom) in the eternal world.It has been given to each to choose - freely - what we believe and desire.Answer 5The present purpose is to teach man all about evil for his character development into Children of God. If he doesn't know the limitless depths of evil, misery, suffering and death... he can't know limitless love, mercy and forgiveness? Man needs to develop the character and discipline to CHOOSE THE GOOD and REJECT THE EVIL.And when this earth is finally cleansed and purified by fire and re-made... it will be the "Center of the Universe," with the very throne of God the Father headquatered here:"...I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband... Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and HE WILL DWELL WITH THEM, and they shall be His people, and GOD HIMSELF SHALL BE WITH THEM, and be their God." (Rev.21:2-3)