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Subtracting a negative number has the same effect as adding a positive number, the two negative actions cancel each other out. Therefore, for example, 5 - (-5) is the same as 5 + 5 = 10.

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Q: If you subtract a negative number from a number will the answer be smaller or bigger than the original number?
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if you want to subtract a bigger number from a smaller one, first subtract smaller number from bigger one add negative sign in front of answer you got

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1). Find the difference between them. Forget about plus and minus, just subtract the smaller one from the bigger one. 2). Write the difference, and give it the sign of whichever original number was bigger.

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you subtract the bigger number from the smaller numberyou get your answeryou look for the bigger number an put the symbol that it has

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-1/6 since the number is smaller than what is being subtracted the answer will be negative to get it you simply subtract the smaller number from the bigger and add the negative sign

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Depends. If you are subtracting a bigger number from a smaller number, such as 3 - 5, you will get a negative result, -2. If you are subtracting a smaller number from a bigger number, such as 12 - 3 you will get a positive result, 9.

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You can subtract the bigger fraction by the smaller fraction and then put a minus sign in front of the answer.

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If you subtract a negative number from another number, you always get a bigger number. That is because minus a minus is a plus So you could subtract any negative number from 10 and answer is bigger than 10.

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It means the answer will be negative. (Because you're taking away more than you're starting with.) Go ahead and subtract the smaller number from the bigger one, and then make the result negative.

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depends if the first number is bigger than the second number than it is a negative

How do you subtract a smaller number from a bigger one?

If you want to subtract a smaller number from a bigger number then just subtract. For example: 14 - 12 = 2 and etc. (more but it is going to be too long) 15 - 13 = 2 16 - 14 = 2