Time remaining = 1 - 7/8 = 1/8 hour :
1 hour = 60 minutes : 1 minute = 60 seconds
1/8 hour = 60/8 minutes = 7½ minutes = 7 minutes 30 seconds
you would change hours to minutes. 1 hour=60 minutes
It is 15/60, which can be simplified, but probably best to see if you need to add or subtract other fractions of an hour before simplifying.
22:47 is 10:47 PM Subtract 12 from the hours in the 24 hour format to get the 12 hour format.
10:30 to 3:30 is five hours.
you regroup 60 min as 1 hour
The duration of This Hour Has Seven Days is 3600.0 seconds.
This Hour Has Seven Days ended on 1966-05-08.
This Hour Has Seven Days was created on 1964-10-04.
This is a simple QuestionThe answer is moinsYou subtract the number of minutes
you would change hours to minutes. 1 hour=60 minutes
It is 15/60, which can be simplified, but probably best to see if you need to add or subtract other fractions of an hour before simplifying.
22:47 is 10:47 PM Subtract 12 from the hours in the 24 hour format to get the 12 hour format.
10:30 to 3:30 is five hours.
To convert BST (British Summer Time) to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), you simply subtract 1 hour since GMT is one hour behind BST. Take the BST time and deduct one hour to get the equivalent time in GMT.