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The coin would float.

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Q: If you toss a coin into a liquid that in denser than the coin what would happen?
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Why will a coin float in liquid denser than the coin?

A coin will float in a liquid denser than itself because of the concept of buoyancy - the upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object. If the buoyant force is greater than the weight of the coin, it will float.

You toss a coin into a wishing well full of a liquid denser than the coin. will the coin sink?

no, it will float on the surface

Why will the penny float if you toss it in a wishing well full of a liquid denser than the coin?

no it wuld float on surface......

What would happen if it was legal for citizens to print and coin money?

Money would have very little value

Is a coin a liquid solid or gas?

A coin is a solid.

Why does a coin sink in a cup of water?

A coin sinks in water because it is denser than water. The weight of the coin is greater than the buoyant force acting on it, causing it to sink.

Is a coin denser than water?

Yes, most coins are denser than water. The density of water is about 1 gram per cubic centimeter, while the density of most coins, such as copper or silver, is greater than that. This means that a coin will sink in water.

Can a copper coin float in water?

No, a copper coin will not float in water because it is denser than water. This means that the weight of the coin is greater than the buoyant force it experiences in water, causing it to sink.

What would happen if you dropped a coin off the Empire State Building?

it would hit the ground, even if it hit some one the terminal velocity of a coin is not enough to kill them, it would just hurt like hell.

Why coin sinks in the water?

Coins are denser than water, so they sink when placed in water. The weight of the coin overcomes the buoyant force of the water, causing it to sink to the bottom.

What happens when you melt a coin and you put it in the fridge?

The coin become a liquid by melting; after freezing the liquid change in a solid . But it is possible to destroy some plastic components of the fridge.

Why the coin touches the ground first than a feather?

The coin falls faster than a feather due to differences in air resistance. The coin is denser with less air resistance, allowing it to fall quickly. The feather, being less dense and having more air resistance, falls more slowly.