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Yes but the probability for that is 1/3,656,158,440,062,976. In other words, it's probably not going to happen

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Q: If you toss a cube 20 times Could it land on six 20 times?
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If you toss a fair coin 250 times , about how many times should it land on tails?

If you toss a number cube 600 times what is the most probable number of times you will get a 3?

100/600 or 1/6

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The question does not say which event the probability is required for!

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Most likely 5,000 times.

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If you toss a coin 50 times how many times do you think it will land heads up?

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The probability is zero. That means that it can't happen, because there's no '7' anywhere on the cube.

What is the experimental probability of landing on 5 if a number cube is tossed twenty times and lands on 1 two times and lands on 5 four times?

The experimental probability of a number cube that lands on 5 four times in a twenty toss trial is Pexp(5) = 4/20 = 1/5 = 0.20 = 20%

If you toss a fair coin 10 times and it lands on heads 8 times what is the probability that it will land on heads?

Since it is a fair coin, the probability is 0.5

If you toss a coin 50 times about how many times would you expect it to land heads up?

n=50 success- Toss acoin 50 times toss acoin once, S={H ,T} p= 1/2 q= 1/2 p(x=x)={50cx(1/2)x(1/2)50-x