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The expected number is 3750.

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Q: If you toss three coins 10000 times how many times would you expect that exactly 2 heads appear?
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How can you get 10000 coins in YoVille?

max,earn coins,buy coins, trade coins,go to the factory, visit friends it soon builds up just don't expect to do it in 10 minuets.

What is sentence for Exactly?

I have exactly three coins in my pocket. If you can guess exactly how many coins I have, you can have them both.

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If 80 one rupee coins weigh 388 gram then how much 10000 coins weigh?

First, calculate the weight of 1 coin: 388g / 80 coins = 4.85g. Then, multiply this weight by the number of coins to find the total weight: 4.85g/coin * 10000 coins = 48500g. Therefore, 10000 one rupee coins weigh 48500 grams.

What are the farmville coins which appear when one is plowing the ground?

When you are plowing the ground on Farmville,the coins that appear are for plowing it. It also gives you some coins so you can buy seeds.The gold coins that sometimes appear when you are plowing gives you 100 coins.

How do you get 10000 coins on Farmville fast?

plant lots of crops

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If we toss three coins 240 times, how many times can we expect the coins to have three tails showing?

How do you get a Porygon in heartgold?

10000 coins at the coin place in celadon or saffron

How do you make exactly 5.00 using exactly 100 U.S coins?

Easy. Use 100 5-cent coins.

What 4 words appear on all us coins?

Four words that appear on all US coins are "United States of America."

How do you get 10000 coins on club penguin very fast?

Go on and click on moneymaker :)

What are the gold coins that appear when plowing on FarmVille?

They're called gold coins, they're gold and they're coins Hope that helps