You are traveling 0.22km per minute or you need 4.5 minutes to travel one km
a pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 miles per hour faster can travel 350 miles. How fast is the car traveling?
You are going one mile per minute at that rate.
10 mins
Well, you multiply 30 by 2 to get 60, and there are 60 minutes in an hour, so we also multiply 10 by 2 to give you 20, so you are going 10 miles per 30 minutes, or 20 miles/hour.
approximately 13 km/hour
a pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 miles per hour faster can travel 350 miles. How fast is the car traveling?
a pickup can travel 300 miles in the same time that a car going 10 miles per hour faster can travel 350 miles. How fast is the car traveling?
10 minutes per unit, or as fast as the patient will tolerate.
You are going one mile per minute at that rate.
Going 6mph, it'll take you 10 mins. going 8mph itll take you 7.5 mins
200 miles
10 mins
Depends on the speed of the plane, Planes average on about 600 mph, It would take 2 hrs for 1200 miles and for 90 miles it would take 10 mins (estimate, 100 miles would take 10 mins).So about 2hrs and 10 mins.
If you can do it fast maybe 5 to 10 mins. But if you wanna take it slow 30 to 60 mins.
the next show in about 10 mins.