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120 miles.

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Q: If you travel a total of 560 miles at an average of 60 miles per hour how far do you go in 2 hours?
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How do you figure out miles per hour?

To figure out miles per hour, divide the total number of miles traveled by the total number of hours it took to travel those miles. This will give you the average speed in miles per hour.

How do you find the average speed of a cyclist?

To find the average speed of a cyclist, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. For example, if a cyclist covers 30 miles in 2 hours, the average speed would be 15 miles per hour (30 miles divided by 2 hours).

How many hours of travel at seventy five miles per hour for 647 miles?

Total travel time is 8 hours 38 minutes.

What is the average speed when divided by 2 hours and 10 minutes into 720 miles?

To find average speed, divide the total distance by the total time taken. Total time = 2 hours + 10 minutes = 2.167 hours Average speed = 720 miles / 2.167 hours ≈ 332.25 miles/hr.

If Joshua drove 1247 miles over 5 days for 3 hours per day what was the average miles per hour?

Joshua drove a total of 1247 miles over 15 hours (5 days * 3 hours/day). To find the average miles per hour, you can divide the total miles by the total hours: 1247 miles / 15 hours = 83.13 miles per hour on average.

If you travel 240 miles in the first 2 hours how many will you travel in 7hours?

If you keep traveling at the same speed you will travel 840 miles in total.

If you run one mile drive ten miles and travel sixty miles by boat what is your average speed if each activity took 2 hours?

The average speed is determined only by the total distance traveled and the total time. Thus, the average speed is: (1+10+60) / 6 = 11.83 mph

What is the average speed of a bus that travels 9 miles in 2 hours?

The average speed of the bus is 4.5 miles per hour. This is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled (9 miles) by the total time taken (2 hours).

How long does to take to drive 420 miles at 60 miles per hour?

Average speed = total distance / total time Therefore, total time = total distance / average speed = 420 miles / 60 miles per hour = 7 hours It takes 7 hours to drive 420 miles at 60 miles per hour

How far would a woman travel if she drove for eight hours at an average speed of 40.8 miles per hour?

Multiplying time by speed gives a total distance of 8 x 40.8 = 326.4 miles.

If you travel 30 mph for one and one half hours how many miles would you travel?

Travelling at 30 miles per hour for 1.5 hours will give a total distance of 30 x 1.5 = 45 miles.

If Reymark was travelling 700 miles in 3 hours, what was his average speed?

If Reymark travelled 700 miles in 3 hours, his average speed would be 233.33 miles per hour (rounded to two decimal places). Average speed can be calculated by dividing the total distance travelled by the time taken to travel that distance. In this case, 700 miles divided by 3 hours equals 233.33 miles per hour. It's important to note that this is the average speed, and Reymark's speed may have fluctuated throughout the journey.