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It appears they are trying to help you with the 5 days part. READ the lease agreement for more info on when the lease is in DEFAULT.

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Q: If you turned in a lease vehicle and had one more payment but you can't pay at this time can they say its voluntary repossion in five days?
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How does a voluntary repossession affect your credit?

it's all the same whether you turned it in or they picked it up

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Any repossession will appear on a credit report, voluntary or not. Where it makes a difference is when the potential new lender calls the original lender and finds out the situation. Lenders don't like vehicles being turned in, but it's like paying taxes, even though it is not what is desired, it happens. Calling them won't necessarily make them mad but be ready for them to try to talk you into keeping the vehicle.

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A leak.

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You should realize they are the legal owner. There must have been a reason you could not register the vehicle in your own name. You voluntarily listed the vehicle as having another owner and they turned out to be untrustworthy. All you can do is sue them, tell your story to a judge and try to recoup the money you paid for the vehicle. You will need proof of payment and your success will depend upon your evidence and the judge's decision. Lawsuits of this type are extremely common.

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1000 feet

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Wow... you're going to have to get off your a** and take them cash/check.

Still have loan on vehicle can tags be turned in?

Yes in Virginia, but your finance co. will still require you to insure vehicle or they will add it on to your existing loan.

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yes it does on almost every vehicle

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you can have your car lights on at any time but you do not have to have them on

Do you put water in your vehicle when its turned on or off?

You would add coolant (not water) to the vehicle's reservoir when it is off and cooled down. Fill it to the cold line.