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Q: If you want to make a photograph of the original paramecium so that its image is 1 centimeter long by what scale factor should you magnify it?
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How many times can a 1590 microscope magnify something?

A 1590 microscope can magnify an object up to 1590 times its original size.

How much can a light microscope magnify an object?

A light microscope can typically magnify an object up to around 1000 times its original size. This can vary based on the specific lenses and configurations of the microscope being used.

What is a sentence for the word magnify?

When you use a microscope it will magnify the object you are looking at.Unwanted publicity can magnify the effect of a small political indiscretion.

What is the suffix of magnify?

The suffix of "magnify" is "-ify."

What happens when you magnify an object?

When you magnify an object, you make it appear larger than its original size by using lenses or other optical systems. This allows you to see more detail and get a closer look at fine structures that may not be visible to the naked eye.

How much can the modern microscope magnify?

Modern microscopes can typically magnify objects up to 1000 times their original size. Specialized microscopes, such as electron microscopes, can achieve much higher magnifications, up to 2 million times.

Can you give me a sentence for magnify?

magnify means when you look at something closer. Like when you have a camera and you zoom in closer.

How do you magnify 400x?

To magnify something by 400x, you would need to use a microscope or other optical device that is capable of enlarging an object 400 times its original size. This means the object would appear 400 times larger when viewed through the lens of the microscope.

When was Magnify - album - created?

Magnify - album - was created in 2003.

What is the noun for magnify?

The noun forms for the verb to magnify aremagnifier, magnification, and the gerund, magnifying.

What is the magnification of a 30 times lens?

A 30 times lens would magnify an object by 30 times its original size when viewed through the lens.

How much did Robert Hooke's microscope magnify?

it can magnify an object up to 30 times it can magnify an object's appearance by 30 times