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43 years old!

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Q: If you was born 1967 how old would you be?
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How old is someone from 1967?

Someone born in 1967 would be 45 years old in 2012. (2012 - 1967 = 45)

If you were born September 1967 how old will you be in September 2009?

That would be your 42nd birthday.

If you were born in 1967 how old would you be on the 3rd of July 2008?

43 43

If you are 43 years old what year would you be born in?

If you are asking this question in 2010, it would be 1967

How old can you be if you were born in 1967. In January?


If you were born in feb 1967 how old are you?


How Old Would Kurt Cobain be in 2010?

He was born Feb. 20th, 1967 so he would've been 43

How old are you born in oct 1 1967?

You are 43 years old.

In what year would a 43-year-old person have been born?

As of 2011, assuming you have already celebrated your birthday this year, you would have been born in 1968. If you have not yet celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 1967.

How old would a person be if they were born on October 12 1967?

40 Years-Old, 3 Months, and 13 Days (Posted On January 25, 2008)

If a person was born on 12-03-1967 how old are they?


How old is Eva pope?

She is currently 42 years old and was born on the 16th November 1967