16/10/17 is 18,263 days after 16/10/67.
September 16, 1961 fell on a Wednesday.
You would be 16 yrs old.
Roman numerals are generally used for just years, not days or months. MCMLXIX=1969 XVI=16 IX=09
she died on oct. 16, 1984.
16 of oct 1952 was a Thursday.
Oct 16, 1555 fell on a Sunday .
You are 51 years old. On 16 October this year you are going to be 52.
16/10/17 is 18,263 days after 16/10/67.
Zwei Bayern in Bonn - 1962 is rated/received certificates of: West Germany:16
Todd McFarlane was born on March 16, 1961.
William Coutts was 9 yrs old at the time he on the Titanic. He was born Oct. 16 1902
Bilinda Butcher is 49 years old (birthdate: September 16, 1961).
Steve Larmer is 50 years old (birthdate: June 16, 1961).
Eric Red is 50 years old (birthdate: February 16, 1961).
Kevin McDonald is 50 years old (birthdate: May 16, 1961).