If you were born on May 25 1971, you will be 39 years old on May 25, 2010.
Subtract 1971 from 2011 and you will have your answer.
You are 39 years old.
You simply subtract the year you were born from the current year/ For example: 2010-1971=39 so you would be 39 years old.
If you were born in December 1971, you would be 49 years old in December 2020.
If you were born in 1971, you would be 50 years old in 2021.
If you were born on May 25 1971, you will be 39 years old on May 25, 2010.
You would celebrate your 39th birthday in 2010.
Subtract 1971 from 2011 and you will have your answer.
In 2010, someone born in 1971 would be 39 years old.
You will be 41 in 2012.
You are 39 years old.
If you were born on 1961 and died on 1971 you would be 10