You'd be 17 Years Old
You will be 17 like Nathan Sykes!
In 2010 you would be 17.
2010 - 0017 = 1993
If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
It will be 2010-1993. So you would be 17 years old if you were born in 1993.
As of 2010, you will be 17 years old. (2010 minus 1993 = 17).
You would be 17 yrs of age- 2010-1993=17
You'd be 17 Years Old
If by "bored" you meant born, then that person is 17 years old. All you do is subtract 2010(the current year) by 1993(the year they were born).
16 or 17
You will be 17 like Nathan Sykes!
In 2010 you would be 17.
2010 - 0017 = 1993