As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 26 years old you were born in the year 1983.
If someone was born on January 26, 1959, they would be 55 years old this year.
As of close to the end of 2009 around 26, depending on when you were actually born.
As of 2009 you will have your 26 birthday
As of today (March 25, 2010) a person born on May 22nd 1983 is officially 26 years old.
Avalone was born on January 26, 1983, in France.
Luo Xuejuan is 27 years old (birthdate: January 26, 1984).
If you were born on May 25, 1983 and today is 2nd January, 2010 you are 26 years and 195 days old. you would be 27 years and 222 days
Petri Oravainen was born on January 26, 1983.
As today is 1st January 2010 and you are 26 years old you were born in the year 1983.
28 or is she 50 youll nevaknooooooooooooo ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaahahahahahahahahahhaha Maryse is 26 years old. She was born January 21, 1983
Petri Oravainen was born on January 26, 1983.
Su Hwan Lee was born on January 26, 1983.
Viktor Jakovleski was born on January 26, 1983, in Berlin, Germany.
Stephen Lea Sheppard was born on January 26, 1983.
Petri Oravainen is 28 years old (birthdate: January 26, 1983).
Saying you were born on august 1, 1983. You would be 26 years and 8 months old.