If you were born November 21, 1953 you were 56 years old for most of the year 2010, turning 57 on your birthday.
As of 2012 March, you would be 20. In November (On your birthday) you would be 21.
Today, you would be 66 years old (April 21, 2012).
Anitra Eriksen was born on November 21, 1956, in Verdal, Norway.
Lucy Wisdom was born on November 21, 1956, in London, England, UK.
Cynthia Rhodes was born on November 21, 1956, in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
If you were born November 21, 1953 you were 56 years old for most of the year 2010, turning 57 on your birthday.
As of 2021, you would be 56 years old if your birthdate is November 21, 1964.
Charles MacArthur was born on November 5, 1895 and died on April 21, 1956. Charles MacArthur would have been 60 years old at the time of death or 119 years old today.
Marlo Thomas is 80 years old (birthdate: November 21, 1937).
Geena Davis (Born Virginia Elizabeth Davis) was born in Wareham, Massachusetts, USA on January 21, 1956. Both of her parents were originally from Vermont.
Kim Cattrall was born on August 21, 1956
From 21 November 1980 to 21 November 2008 is exactly 28 years. From 21 November 2008 and to 9 December 2008 is 19 days You are 28 years and 19 days old.