Until your birthday in 2011, you're 160.
On your birthday in 2011, you turn 161.
2013 - 1962 = 51
If you were born in 1912, you would celebrate your 98th birthday this year.
You would now be 48 .
110 years old (that is if you were born on the current date)
In 2012 you would be 11 2012-2001= 11 ( 2012 Minus 2011 equals 11)
Sir Horatio Herbert Kitchener was born June 24, 1850 so he would be 161 years old this June 24, 2011.
Captain E.J. Smith was born in 1850, so he would be 166 in 2016.
If I were born in 1970, I would be 51 years old now.
If you were born in 1959, you would be 62 years old in 2021.
If I were born in 1926, I would be 96 years old now.
you would be six
how old is a person if they born 1958 In 2010 you would be 52 years old so now it would be about 54
If you where born in October 1964 you would be 45 years old.
You would be sixteen years old.
You would be 16 years old now..
You would be 13 years old