If your birthday is from 1 January to 8 May (today) then you are 57
If your birthday is between 9 May to 31 December then you are 56
59 :)
If you were born November 21, 1953 you were 56 years old for most of the year 2010, turning 57 on your birthday.
About fifty seven and a half years old
You are 56 years old if you were born in 1953.
If you were born in 1953 you would turn 57 in 2010.
56 years old.
2013 - 1953 = 60
You will be 57
59 :)
If you were born November 21, 1953 you were 56 years old for most of the year 2010, turning 57 on your birthday.
Poison Ivy is 59 years old (birthdate: February 20, 1953).