This year is 2013.
So 2013 - 1983 = 30
Unless your birthday is after today's date, in which case you would be 29.
Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).
29 Years Old on your birthday (2012-1983 = 29)
Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not). So 27 or 28
As of today (March 25, 2010) a person born on May 22nd 1983 is officially 26 years old.
If It is 2009 right now and they were born in July 1983 then right now they are 26 yrs old ;D
He is now 26, his was born on May 1983 (the 29th).
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
He was born in 1983, calculate the years between 1983 and now, you will then find out about his age.
Matt Lanter was born on April 1, 1983. Matt Lanter was born on April 1, 1983. He is now twenty-nine years old.
Someone born in 1983 would be 27 years old in 2010.
The famous cheetah girl is now 26 years old. She was born October 24, 1983. :) This Subscribe ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carrie Underwood was born March 10th, 1983. As of November 2013, she is thirty years old.
Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
He was born in 1983