if you were born in march 1975 how old would you be today January 2009
You would be 17 until the date of your birthday and then you would be 18
In 2009 you are! (As long as your birthday is before today)Yes that is correct, but your birthday has to be before today, but you can still be 18 by the end of the yearEg my brother was born in 1991 and his birthday was on the 30th Decemberalthough he is not 18 he will be by the end of the year
As of 2009 you will have your 26 birthday
Born in 1991
Assuming today's date of December 21, 2009, today would be your 18th birthday.
If you were born before today's date, 21. If born after today's date, 20.
if you were born in march 1975 how old would you be today January 2009
July 21, 1991
You would be 17 until the date of your birthday and then you would be 18
In 2009 you are! (As long as your birthday is before today)Yes that is correct, but your birthday has to be before today, but you can still be 18 by the end of the yearEg my brother was born in 1991 and his birthday was on the 30th Decemberalthough he is not 18 he will be by the end of the year
Under normal circumstances, 2009
As of 2009 you will have your 26 birthday
Born in 1991
If today was 9/15/2009, then you would be 40
its now the year 2009, subtract the year of birth from it 2009 - 1991 = 18