Today is October 1, 2008. My daughter, born August 22, 1993, is currently 15 years old: 2008 - 1993 = 15 years (if a birthday has already occurred - 14 if not).
If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
If you were born in 1993, you would currently be 16 year old. If your birthday fell in the last 7 days - January 1 - 7 - then you would have turned 17, as you will in 2010.
On March 7, 2010, you turned 17.
You would be currently be 16 but turn 17 in 2010
2011 right now, so you would be 17 or 18, Depends on your month and day.
If you were born on September 9th, 1993 as of today (2nd January, 2010) you will be 16 years and 115 days old.
He is 16 right now, he was born in September 01, 1993.
she was born on May 14 1993 so she is 17 right now.
If you were born in 1993, you would currently be 16 year old. If your birthday fell in the last 7 days - January 1 - 7 - then you would have turned 17, as you will in 2010.
Right now she is 20 years old! She was born at June,26 1993 :)
On March 7, 2010, you turned 17.
He was born January 12, 1993. So right now (December 2012) he is 19.
You would be currently be 16 but turn 17 in 2010
i was born in 1993 1993 or 1994
2011 right now, so you would be 17 or 18, Depends on your month and day.
If you were born in 1993 you will turn 83 in 2076.