If you were born in 1996 you would be 13.
If you were born in 1996 today or before today, March 15th, you are 14 years old. If you were born in 1996 after March 15th, you are 13 and will turn 14 this year.
twelfth birthday in 2014 2014 - 2002 = 12
You will turn 66 in 2014.
You will turn 18 in 2014.
You turned 18 in 2014.
Dove Cameron was born on January 15, 1996. As of August 1, 2014, she is 18 years old.
If you were born in 1947 and it is 2014, then you would be 67 years old.
If you were born in 1996 you would be 13.
If you are 18 as of March 26, 2014, you were born in 1996. If you turn 18 after this date in 2014, then 1995.
US actor Austin Thomas is 21 years old (born October 3, 1996).
2009 - 1996 = 13
If you were born in 1996 today or before today, March 15th, you are 14 years old. If you were born in 1996 after March 15th, you are 13 and will turn 14 this year.
twelfth birthday in 2014 2014 - 2002 = 12
You will turn 66 in 2014.