Anyone born in 1968 would celebrate their 56th birthday in 2024
If you were born in December 1968, then you turn 43 on your birthday in December 2011.
As of October 2011, someone born on June 23, 1968 would be 43 years old.
They will be 2014 - 1968 = 46 this year, so they are currently about 451/4 years old.
You turns 45 on your birthday in 2013.
He is born on MAY 21 1968(43years old)
If you were born in 1968, then on your birthday in 2010 you will be 42 years old.
You are 44 if you were born
She was born on September 21, 1968. Thus, she is 40 years old.She was born on September 21, 1968. Thus, she is 40 years old.She was born on September 21, 1968. Thus, she is 40 years old.She was born on September 21, 1968. Thus, she is 40 years old.She was born on September 21, 1968. Thus, she is 40 years old.She was born on September 21, 1968. Thus, she is 40 years old.
US author Mo Willems is 49 years old (birthdate: May 24, 1968).
PMD was born on May 13, 1968.
He was 10 years old as he was born in 1958
To get someone's age you subtract 2016 from 1968. This will give you the age.
She is 41 years old she was born in April 16, 1968
May-Helen Molvær Grimstad was born in 1968.
Renee Dwyer was born in 1968