As of 20 Jan 2010
Date of birth = December 7, 1930
You were born on a Sunday.
Your Thai birthday colour is red.
You have lived for 79 years 1 month 13 days.
You have lived for 28899 days.
You will have lived for 30000 days on Jan 25, 2013.
Your next birthday is on a Tuesday.
You will be 80 years old on that day.
You were born in the Chinese Year of the Horse.
Your Chinese age is 80.
Your Islamic calendar age is 81 years 6 months 17 days.
You were born under the Zodiac sign Sagittarius.
They would be 50 years old.
68 now, 69 on December 27
As of 2009, about 20 years old.
If you were born June 1930 you will turn 80 in 2010.
Given the current date of February 2010, you would be 32 years old.
Those born in 1930 turn 83 in 2013.
They would be 50 years old.
68 now, 69 on December 27
US economist Gary Becker was 83 years old when he died on May 3, 2014 (birthdate: December 2, 1930).
Odetta was born on December 31, 1930 and died on December 2, 2008. Odetta would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 84 years old today.
As of 2009, about 20 years old.
UK comedian Ronnie Corbett was 85 years old when he died on March 31, 2016 (birthdate: December 4, 1930).
Jean Ferrat was 79 years old when he died on March 13, 2010 (born Jean Tanenbaum, December 26, 1930).
She is 21and was born on December 22,1989
Born 17th December 1992, He is 17 now
Robert Prosky was born on December 13, 1930 and died on December 8, 2008. Robert Prosky would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 84 years old today.