Well since this is just January then you are 32 years old, when November rolls around 10 months from now you will be 33 years old.
So Ji-sub is 40 years old (birthdate: November 4, 1977).
Aria Giovanni is 40 years old (birthdate: November 3, 1977).
Lindsay Czarniak is 35 years old (born: November 7, 1977).
Khia Chambers Finch is 40 years old (born November 8, 1977).
Saeko Chiba is 34 years old (birthdate: August 26, 1977).
Adam Joseph is 32 and was born November 9th,1977
Jeremiah Bass was born November 4, 1977 in Racine, Wisconsin.
US actress Jill Flint is 40 years old (born November 25, 1977).
Tonicha Lawrence is 40 years old (born Tonicha Jeronimo, November 4, 1977).
US actor Brian Dietzen is 40 years old (born November 14, 1977).
Maggie Gyllenhaal was born on November 16, 1977
British-American actress Reshma Shetty is 40 years old (born November 2, 1977).