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Q: If you were to look for a rainbow in the morning which direction would you look and why?
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What direction do you look for a rainbow after a rainstorm?

Look for a rainbow opposite to the direction of the Sun. This means that if the Sun is setting in the West, the rainbow will appear in the Eastern sky.

Are rainbows always in the east?

Rainbows are not always in the east; their position depends on the angle of the sun and the observer's location on Earth. Rainbows are generally seen in the direction opposite the sun, so if the sun is in the west, the rainbow will be in the east.

What is the link between backscattering and rainbow?

Rainbows are caused by backscatter. If the sun is out, and it is raining, look in the direction opposite from the sun, and you may see a rainbow.

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A factor rainbow for 13 would look like this: 13 = 1 x 13.

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How do you respond to good morning beautiful?

You would respond it as 'good morning, you look nice today!'

I have something that when you look at it it is there but when you look for it it is not What is it?

a Rainbow

What evidence would you look for to tell whether light scatters when it hits an object?

A rainbow appears

What direction do you look to see the sun rise in the moring?

To see the sun rise in the morning, look towards the east. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to Earth's rotation.

Where would you look to find out which direction is north?

the compass rose

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What do rainbow rocks look like?

rainbow rocks look raibowbut it has the colors [yellow silver gold red ]