Depends on what month you were born in. Since its June right now, if you were born in January you would b 25 but if you were born later like in November you would be 24
If you were born in 1985 you would have been 18 or turning 18.
You would be 26 if you were born then.
If you were born in 1985, and the current year is 2022, then you would be 37 years old.
8 years old since 1985 minus 1977 is 8.
As of 2010, someone born in November 1985 would turn 25 years old in November.
Depends on what month you were born in. Since its June right now, if you were born in January you would b 25 but if you were born later like in November you would be 24
Ghanian footballer Asamoah Gyan is 32 years old (birthdate: November 22, 1985).
He was born November 29th, 1985 which to date (6/16/09) would make him 23.
US rapper Dreux Pierre Frédéric aka Lil Fizz, is 32 years old (born November 26, 1985).
you would be 22 years old
Danny Amendola is 32 years old (born November 2, 1985).
Mamta Mohandas is 25 years old. She was born on November 14, 1985.
Vahbbiz Dorabjee is 28 years old. She was born on 28 November 1985.
Nicolas Frantz was born on November 4, 1899 and died on November 8, 1985. Nicolas Frantz would have been 86 years old at the time of death or 115 years old today.
In 2009, if you were born on November 18, 1946, you would be 62 years old.
Cus D'Amato was born on January 17, 1908 and died on November 4, 1985. Cus D'Amato would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 102 years old today.