If you were born in 1984 you would turn 13 in 1997.
Assuming you have already celebrated your birthday, you would be 2010-1997 = 13 years old. If you have not celebrated your birthday, you would be 2010-1997-1 = 12 years old.
As of your birthday in 2013, you would be 16 years old.
If you born November 28, 1997 you would have turned 12 in 2009.
You would be 2009-1997 = 12 years old. You use 2009 because your 13th birthday, December 2010 has not arrived yet.
If you were born before this date in 1997 you would be 13 years old, if after today's date you would be 12.
You would be 15
You would be 12.
you would be three
If you were born February 29, 1997 you would have turned 13 in 2010.
You would be 11 or 12 yeah
About 13 or 14
That depends on the day and month that she was born, she would be 12 years old this year sometime.
you would be 13!:)