If you were born in 1988, you are currently 21 years of age due to turn 22 in 2010.
To determine your age in 2011 if you were born in 1988, you would subtract 1988 from 2011. This calculation results in 23 years. Therefore, you would be 23 years old in 2011 if you were born in 1988.
If you were born in 1988, you will turn 22 in 2010.
People born in 1988 will turn 26 in 2014.
Retirement age for someone born in 1988
If you were born in 1988, you are currently 21 years of age due to turn 22 in 2010.
To determine your age in 2011 if you were born in 1988, you would subtract 1988 from 2011. This calculation results in 23 years. Therefore, you would be 23 years old in 2011 if you were born in 1988.
born December 14, 1988
Present Age = 2012 - 1988 = 24 years old
If you were born in 1988 and died in 2064, you would have lived for 76 years.
If you are born in 1988 you would be 24 in 2012. To find anyone's age, take the current year and subtract the year that the person was born in.
August 24, 1988 (age 24 years)
no ......................
She was born on 5 May 1988, so today is her birthday. She is 23