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Assuming your overtime rate of pay is "time and a half", your overtime rate is $7.20 per hour. That would make your normal rate of pay $4.80 per hour, which means you really should start reading the classified ads or join a union...

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Q: If your overtime rate is 2.40 per hour more than your usual rate then what is your overtime rate?
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What do you call the work done over time?

Work that "exceeds the usual hours worked" is simply called "overtime". An employee can have "overtime hours" that warrant "overtime pay". However, in some jobs, the hourly rate of pay applies to both usual number of hours worked and to "overtime". For example, if a dishwasher earns 7.00 per hour and has exceeded the usual number of hours he typically works, he will still only get 7.00 per hour for the extra hours.

When is overtime?

Overtime is work done outside your normal daily hours. If you normally work an eight hour day, but work an extra hour one day. That extra hour is overtime, and overtime is often paid at a higher rate.

How is overtime rate and overtime pay calculated?

To calculate overtime pay, follow these steps: Determine Overtime Rate: Typically, it's time and a half (1.5 times the regular rate). For example, if the regular rate is $20/hour, the overtime rate is $30/hour (1.5 x $20). Calculate Overtime Hours Worked: Overtime is usually the hours worked over the standard full-time hours (often over 40 hours per week). Calculate Overtime Pay: Multiply the overtime hours by the overtime rate. E.g., for 8 overtime hours at a $30/hour rate, the overtime pay is 8 x $30 = $240. In Excel: Set up columns for names, regular hours, hourly rate, overtime rate, overtime hours, and pay. Multiply regular hours by hourly rate for regular pay. Multiply overtime hours by the overtime rate for overtime pay. Add regular and overtime pay for total pay. Ensure accuracy in calculations to avoid compliance issues. For complex situations, consider using dedicated software or automation tools.

11.00 per hour with 7 hours overtime each week?

For a 40-hour work week and an overtime rate of 1.5, you would earn $28,424.00 annually. If your overtime rate is double-time (2.0), you would earn $30,272.00 annually.

What is the average wage of an holistic therapist?

Usual rate is $60 per hour. But that can vary depending on the area of the country and the setting. In some spas they charge up to $200, or more, for an hour.

What is the earned money after working 40 hours at five dollars per hour and 5 hours overtime at a rate equal to one half times regular rate?


What does overtime rate mean?

That means how much you are paid for each hour you work OVER 40 HOURS. It should be at least 50% more than you're paid for each of the first 40 hours.

How much does lordco parts driver get paid?

Depends on location. But the usual start rate is 8.50 an hour.

How do you calculate overtime pay base daily rates?

This is a common misconception and is overly simplified. A true overtime rate should be time and 1/2 on the "Base Rate" of pay or the factor of 1.5 against the unburdened rate. Example: Each employer (or a Contractor that supplies and laborer) has profit, overhead, and taxation built into a billable rate. If I provide a laborer to a client at a Rate of $50 an hour, only $40 of this is actually being paid to the laborer. The rest is taxes, insurence, benefits, and profit. An overtime factor should never be applied to a rate that contains this. The OT rate should be 1.5 X $40 plus the $10 overhead costs. Which would be $70.00 hour. If you're being charged an OT rate of $75 hour then you're being gouged.

An employee worked 40 hours at his regular rate of 5.00 per hour He also worked 5 hours of overtime at a rate equal to one and a half times his regular rate How much did he earn this week?


Associates are paid 7.00 per hour for a 40-hour work week Overtime is paid at 1½ times the normal hourly rate If Charlie works a 45 hour week approximately how much money will he earn?

Ot figured at 10.50 an hour.

If I work 8 hour shifts plus overtime if needed and would make 10.50 an hour how much would I be left with after taxes?

10.5 * 8 = 84 depends on the tax rate that how much you will be left with.