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my addvice stop opening your legs if its that bad

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Q: Im pregnant and it can be 2 fathers I were with one guy 3 weeks but the other one long time ultasound said im 5week2days can ultasound be wrong and it be 3 weeks if they did vag and nORMALLY UTLASOUN?
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You are eight week pregnant your ultasound showed an empty womb why is this?

could it be ectopic, though the scan should have picked up abnormalities. See your doctor.

How many weeks pregnant is the gender of the fetus formed?

gender is determined at the moment of conception, however it isn't until around the 16th to the 17th week of pregnancy that the sex of the fetus can be determined by ultasound.

What could be wrong if you are 8 week pregnant and have heavy bleeding and pain and in ultasound scan cant find the baby?

It could possibly mean that you have had a miscarriage, a doctor or nurse would be able to tell you, all the best and good luck.

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Could you still have a period you are pregnant?

Not normally

When does breasts increase?

normally after puberty and when your pregnant

Why do you pee a lot are you pregnant?

wel normally if u pee alot u are pregnant

What do hamsters normally do when they are pregnant?

They start building a nest.

At what age can a ewe get pregnant?

Normally farmers don't get their sheep pregnant until they are 12 months of age

Do you have to get your period to get pregnant?

No you don't if you are pregnant the egg in the ovario will stay there but once the egg is not needed you get your period normally

Will a rabbit go 41 days pregnant?

Rabbit are normally pregnant a month to 41 days maybe if that.

Why is your period is 2 months late?

Normally it means you are pregnant