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Q: Imagine the numbers 1 through 30 written in a row. If you added together any two numbers that are next to each other you'd always get an odd number.?
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Yes, this is called their prime factorization.

When writing a script for a radio how should numbers be written?

The numbers 1 through 10 should be written out as: One, Two, Three ... etc. From the numeral "11" and beyond, they can be written as numbers.

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It's written the same, just pronounced differently. "Imagine." 'To imagine' is "imaginer".

When do you write numbers as words?

In ordinary writing, the numbers one through ten are written as words. Higher numbers are written as numbers.A sentence should not start with a numeral, so write out the number (or reword the sentence).

Imagine the numbers 1 through 30 written in a row If you added together any two numbers that are next to each other you'd always get an odd number?

Yes. Basic rule is two odds make an even, two evens make an even, an even and an odd make an odd. And note that any two consecutive numbers include exactly one odd and one even. Or more directly, if you start at number n you will add it to n+1 giving 2n+1. Since 2n is even, 2n+1 is odd.

What is the sum of the first 50 consecutive even numbers?

One way is to imagine all the even numbers written down in a horizontal line. There will be 50 numbers from 2 to 100 Now write the 50 numbers underneath the first row, but in reverse order. If, as you go along the lines of numbers, you add the top one to the bottom you will always get 102 So you have 102 fifty times over. Now 50 times 100 is 5,000 and fifty times 2 is 100, so by adding together we arrive at 3,100 for the answer.

How many different three digit numbers can be written using the digits 1 through 9?

You can select 9 numbers for the first digit, 8 numbers for the second digit, and 7numbers for the third digit; so 504 (e.g. 9*8*7) different three digit numbers can be written using the digits 1 through 9.

What are consecutive digits?

the numbers 0 through 9 written in sequence or any portion of that sequence

What year was Imagine written?

early 1970s

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Rameshwar Dayal Gupta has written: 'Flow through granular media at high Reynolds numbers'

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2x times y is written 2xy. This means all three of these numbers multiplied together.

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