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The Light Bulb. Zepplin.

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Q: Important Inventions made 1750 1900
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Inventions in 1750?

In the 1750's do anyone know what inventions were made?

Why did industry change between 1750 and 1900?

Industry changed between 1750 and 1900 because during these time periods the world advanced. New methods of doing things allowed new inventions to be made. During this time the lightbulb was invented, Erie canal and many other inventions changed industry

What industrial inventions were made between 1750-1900?

In the field of chemistry and engineering, the time between 1750 and 1900 was an exciting one. Those years saw the invention of the battery, miner's lamp, many interchangeable parts, and the electric light.

What new inventions were made in 1750-1900?

Lots of stuff like the light bulb, the machine gun, the telephone, the telegraph the eiffel tower was made during that time

What were the new inventions made between the years 1480 to 1750?

== ==

Inventions of the 1700s - 1900s?

what inventions were made in the 1700 -1900 was absolutely nothing at all.

What inventions were made between 1820-1900?

the knitting machine

What inventions were made in 1865 - 1900?

one invention was toilet paper!

What were some inventions made during 1880's-1900's?

the roller coaster

What British inventions were made in 1750 - 1900?

Wow, erm.. lots of things! This is the time of the industrial revolution, so steam-power in trains and machines. Oh, yes the BRITISH invented basketball in 1755 see:

What are some things that were invented between 1600 and 1750?

some inventions made in 1600-1750 are musical instruments the years 1600-1750 is caled the baroque some instruments made in the baroque are ...... -Strings -Double Reeds -Flute -Harpsichord -Horn -Percussion- Timpani -Trumpet -String Bass -Clarinets

What are facts about Britain in the 1750 - 1900?

1.From 1750-1900 the child death rate went down by 50%!2.This period of time is called the industrial revolution, because there was a lot of progress made in subjects like transport, hygiene, inventions and much more.3.Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire for 64 years, despite the fact people thought she couldn't cope as a woman.4.Children under the age of 10 were banned from being chimney sweeps in 18645.If people were found on the streets with no money, they were normally put in workhouses, where they earned no money.